Online Electronics Tuition For Class Second Year BTech in Work Coaching

Online Electronics tuition for Class Second Year B.Tech in home work coaching is available through online tuition. Tutormine, one of the best online tuitoring platforms, offers eminient tutors for live interactive one-to-one online tuition for all subjects right at the home of students.



District: Ernakulam
State: Kerala
Country: India
Telephone: +91 79079 27212
Tutormine Whatsapp +91 79079 27212

Profile of Elza

I am a person who is passionate about teaching and i can help studentsgain confidence in their abilities. I can explain the subjects according to the grasping level of the students. I have 2+ years teaching experience in Kerala and 4 years in Maharashtra. With that experience the fact I understood is that the student can learn any subject if he/she like that subject. Along with meyou can experience how to like a subject to learn that subject.


Degree Course University
Others GATE EXAM GATE Organizing Authority of India

Academic Accomplishments

I have scored GATE examination in 2011 and studied post graduation with scolarship. At that time i was assisting my professor in lectures and completly handled the practical sessions for final year UG students .

i got a chance to do my graduation project work in DRDO , Bangalore, which helped me increasing my confidence an attitude towards society.

Professional Achievements

Responsible for teaching second, third and final year classes including many subjects like VLSI Technology, Digital Communication, Digital Signal Processing,Linear IC, Network Theory,soft Skill Development andconducted practicals for Electronics circuits, Communication, Systems Lab, Digital Lab, Linear IC lab, VLSI lab.

Worked as Staff Coordinator of National Service Scheme and conducted many camps and motivational sessions for NSS volunteers through which i could interact with the students for more time and thus could manage them perfectly afterwards.

Worked with committees for organizing technical and cultural events.


Course Stream Subject
B.Tech First Year Electronics
B.Tech Second Year Electronics

My Teaching Philosophy

  1. I teach students the quick methods to solve exams questions.
  2. Online Tutoring is an excellent way to teach students.
  3. Each concepts are linked to one another and hence I adopt a systematic method to help students learn things in proper manner.