Home Tuition For ICSE Chemistry Class 10 in Kolkata Kolkata West Bengal

Home Tuition for ICSE Chemistry Class 10 is available through online tuition. Tutormine, one of the best online tuitoring platforms, offers eminient tutors for live interactive one-to-one online tuition for all subjects right at the home of students.



Place: Kolkata
District: kolkata
State: West Bengal
Country: India
Telephone: +91 79079 27212
Tutormine Whatsapp +91 79079 27212

Profile of Puja

Hello everyone , my name is puja Dhar and I'm a medical coder and teacher by profession , teaching is my passion and i have beencontinuing this for the past 5 years , i started my career as a higher secondary school teacher and after that i switched my job but continued my private group tuitions, I believe that this profession is the most respective field because we build our future doctors scientists and what not. I love my students and they love to interact with me, i believe that I can enlighten more and more students and make studies comfortable and easy for them to understand.


Degree Course University
Post Graduation Msc microbiology Bidhannagar govt. college
Graduation microbiology hons calcutta university

Academic Accomplishments

I have completed my schooling from St augustine's day school, my graduation and post graduation in microbiology from Gurudas college and Bidhannagar govt college respectively.

presently I ampresently doing my MA in public administration from Ignou and doing my CPC for my medical coding field.

in icse my score was 85 percent and isc it was 87 percent andIhave completed my msc with first class.(65) percent

hope to achieve some more degtress in the near future as there is never ending field of knowledge and unsatiable urge to learn in my case.

I was an average student in my school but with the help of my teachers and my mother I have improved myself , as my mom was a school teacher, my teaching skills comes alot from her as I have learnt by experience .

many people are there who are highly educated but a good teacher, teaching is an art , to understand the pedagogy of the student is also a talent , i have that talent and i always try to give my 100 percent dedication in order to make my students more comfortable with their studies and life. A teacher does not only gives knowledge but also act as a guide and a friend so that a child can overcome their problems and face life with a smile on their face , as with the proper guidance and training he can face any difficult situations in his and develop his overall personality and charectaristics so that he can become the best version of himself.

so thats all about my academic qualification , ifI achieve more degrees I'll update it again.Hope to have a great time with all my students so that they can start enjoying their studies and build a great future for themselves.All the best and thanks for this lovely opportunity.

Professional Achievements

I started my career as a school teacher , continued it for 2 years then switched my job as a medical coder , since then i have been continuing my private tuitions and trained a number of students and am still continuing the same.

Language of Teaching


Course Stream Subject
ICSE 8th Chemistry
ICSE 9th Chemistry
ICSE 10th Chemistry

My Teaching Philosophy

  1. I make it a point that students do more practice of what they learnt.
  2. Online Tutoring is an excellent way to teach students.
  3. I make concepts in small modules and explain each concepts for students to understand.